Together We Help Poor Kids Live Better!

Please join us to change the lives of poor children across West Africa.


West Africa exists today, as one of the poorest regions in the African continent and Nigeria being the richest country in the region, …
Core Objectives

Core Objectives

Save poor children in West Africa from the social and human security threats associated with child poverty …
Fundraising Approach

Fundraising Approach

Fund4Kids exploits philanthropy and social investment as fund-generating means, using both online and …
Get Involved

Get Involved

Lend and add your voice in support of Fund4Kids and its global advocacy campaign for social welfare, survival, care and …
We are lending a helping hand to

Children in large numbers across 17 countries

Join us to provide social welfare assistance for poor and socially disadvantaged children in West Africa.
2M $
Impacted Children
Relief Items & Gifts

How To Help?

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Our People

Advisory Board

Our People

Goodwill Ambassadors

Our People

Management Team

Imagine what’s possible when you become a partner.

Undertake advocacies and humanitarian actions for the social welfare, survival, care and protection of poor and vulnerable children in West Africa
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What We Are Doing

Health Care
Helping Hands News

From Our Blog